Happy Birthday, Marines

There’s something about the Marine Corps – some ineffable quality that sets it apart from the other branches. And yes, I know I’m biased. But on the eve of our 246th birthday celebration, I’ll beg your pardon for the extra swagger in our step.

Right now, Marines around the globe are celebrating their heritage. Those in uniform are gathering for ceremonies – elaborate gatherings at home stations, crammed cake cuttings on naval vessels, and some more subtle gatherings in deployed settings the world over. Regardless of scale, every Marine you know – active, reserve, retired or veteran – will mark November 10th in some special way.

We’ll recount friendships, watch birthday messages from the Commandant, spread around some pieces of cake, or simply pause and raise a glass in honor of some who didn’t make it home with us. In veterans halls around the country, you’ll see tough but weary men raise their heads a little higher, stand a little firmer and remember what makes them so special: they earned the title Marine.

You see, we’re a special breed. Our branch is not known for frills or thrills. It’s not where you go if you want a comfortable way of life. Our Corps pushes your limits and forces you to evolve by confronting your limits. We change the way you think, respond, and adapt. And we’ve been doing it for a while.

Lewis B. “Chesty” Puller, USMC

This quote by Chesty reflects the effect of that long history of creating Marines. When facing an enemy force that outnumbers you 29:1, it takes a special kind of culture to see that challenge as an opportunity. For Chesty’s Marines, inducted into that culture, the odds didn’t matter. They were there, they had buddies to bring home, and they were Marines. At the end of the battle, those Marines had decimated the enemy and broken through the lines to bring their buddies home.

We make a big deal out of our Birthday precisely because of Marines like them. We celebrate a long history of men and women devoting themselves to a cause, and a Corps, much bigger than themselves. That historical feedback loop fills our cup while also challenging us to build on their triumphs. It’s an annual call to keep pushing our boundaries.

Traditions like our Birthday celebration keep our particular community strong. In the profession of arms, such anniversaries bolster our spirits. They provide a touchpoint to draw us back into the fold and reinvigorate our brethren. The pause and the pomp are both important for those reasons.

And don’t get me wrong, the next day we will offer a full throated recognition of our sister services. On Veterans Day we’ll applaud the airmen, salute our soldiers, and maybe even skip calling sailors “squids” for a day. But first, we Marines will have our cake.

To my fellow Leathernecks, Happy Birthday. Thank you for answering the call, and continuing to serve your community – wherever life has taken you. Semper Fidelis.

Published by Luke Crumley

Dad | Marine | Lobbyist | Coffee Addict | Nerd

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