What I Learned from Posting Video Content on Instagram and TikTok Every Day for 31 Days

I’m a small content creator. I don’t have a lot of followers on either Instagram or TikTok. Really, until I started writing this blog, I didn’t understand the power, or the importance, of either of those two social media platforms.

After pushing myself to post every single day in the month of May, I can say I’m starting to get it. If you’ve wondered about the ups and downs of content creation and what it takes to get yourself out there more, this piece is for you. It’s what I learned in a month that has me re-thinking how I engage with social media overall.

I hope, that by the end of this piece, you’ll consider how you might gain from engaging with these platforms differently.

Lesson Learned no. 1: It’s a Grind

It’s pretty easy to dismiss online content creation. Especially for folks like me who straddle the generational gap between Gen X and younger Millennials/Gen Z. We can write off the actual work that young creators put into generating appealing content, growing their audiences, and building brand partnerships. It is an absolute grind.

If you’re working full time, parenting full time, and trying to create daily content you’ll have to come to terms with the reality of late night editing sessions. This is where young, unattached content creators have a distinct advantage. But that advantage is diminishing because of the platforms themselves (see lesson no. 3).

Lesson Learned no. 2: Content Creation Isn’t JUST About What YOU Post

If, like me, you’re part of the Facebook generation – those who were early adopters of that social media platform in the early 2000’s – you’ve watched these platforms emerge. Unfortunately, we did so while watching the bugs get worked out and the format change dramatically. I mean, I was posting on Facebook before they created the timeline feature. And there was genuine outrage when they made that change!

But newer platforms aren’t necessarily built around the idea of creating your own page, your own nook within the platform. Sure, we still talk about channels, pages, and profiles. But newer platforms are about posting proactive content that puts you into a broader feed. They’re also about you engaging with other folks’ content.

On the days that I saw the best growth, I wasn’t always posting a new video. Many times, the days I spent time commenting on other creators’ work were the days I expanded my own following as well.

Content creation isn’t all about posting a new and unique video each day. Every comment you make, every question you ask, every duet or stitch you perform gives you an opportunity for cross pollination and audience growth. If you’re not ready for consistently generating original content, employ a different strategy. Post a few original pieces per week, then use focused time each week to comment, share, and engage with other creators. You’d be surprised whose attention you can grab.

Lesson Learned no. 3: It’s Not Nearly As Difficult As It Used To Be

But as daunting as video creation may seem, Instagram and TikTok in particular will surprise you.

Because IG Reels and TikTok Videos are short content, the platforms themselves are able to include really incredible tools that can make your videos stand out. I’m not a pro at nearly any of it – I think I’ve only used one filter ever – but I can tell you that some tools are really critical. Like captions.

Depending on the time of day you’re posting, viewers are going to be more inclined to watch your content if they can read along with what you’re saying – think about how many meetings you’ve spent in the back of the room scrolling and wishing you had headphones in to listen to the video. Now, for IG Reels and TikTok alike, those are built in options. They make your video accessible to those with hearing impairments, and for those who just need a silent watch option. And since they are auto-generated, you don’t have to spend hours up on hours editing each piece of content to perfectly time and place your captions.

When you pair features like that with the easy editing options you already have in your modern cell phone, or the apps themselves, it is actually easier than ever to create short content every single day. Yes it’s still a grind, but if you time block, and grant yourself space to record batches of content, you’ll be surprised how much you can put out there.

Lesson Learned no. 4: There’s Incredible Opportunity Out There

It took a LONG time for me to hit my initial goal of 10,000 unique views on my own website. And there was a ton of work to get there. While I love, and prefer, written content like this the reality is plain and simple: more people want short video content at their fingertips, and where they’re already spending their time.

In one month of posting on Instagram, the same things I’m posting about on here (politics & advocacy, leadership, veteran & military topics, even nerd culture) reached more than 60,000 users on Instagram. Sixty. Thousand.

Have I ever gone viral? No. Do I expect to ever go viral? Not from talking about what I do. But in one month, my content reached farther than ever before. And I wasn’t even employing great strategies on when to post and how to target it.

That means, even for a novice, there is incredible opportunity to extend your reach. If you’ve ever felt compelled to create something to share with the world, you have an opportunity now to get it in front of more people, faster, and easier than ever. There’s almost no downside (as long as you can handle a little criticism along the way).

Published by Luke Crumley

Dad | Marine | Lobbyist | Coffee Addict | Nerd

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