The One Where We Talk Mental Health

There’s been one big addition to my work routine over the last several months that I haven’t really shared here. It’s not a project I own – I’m just a contributor. But it’s been a fun growth experience along the way. It’s challenged our team and helped us stretch. It’s also helping show our team members in a bit of a new light.

It’s a podcast.

Yeah. For a guy who swore he’d never “start a podcast,” here I am tagging along for the ride as our team shares more of our work with those we serve in our association.

Today, I’m going to share our most recent episode with you.

On a show targeting grain farmers in Ohio, our normal fare may not be for you. But I think this episode has something for everyone. And I’ll be up front: I get a little personal. And I hope that our chat adds some value for you as our host, Marlene, and I share how we each stay sane in the tough times.

Without further ado, let me introduce you to Kernels, a podcast brought to you by Ohio Corn & Wheat – click the link below to listen!

Episode 013: Planting the Seeds of Sanity

p.s. after you listen, consider leaving a comment about how you manage your own mental health! Let’s do our part to normalize talking about this.

Published by Luke Crumley

Dad | Marine | Lobbyist | Coffee Addict | Nerd

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