Use These 3 Habits to Thrive Through the 2024 Presidential Election Cycle

It’s here. You’ve known it’s been coming. But it’s really here. In just over a month, American politics ramps up for its most watched contest. And on January 15, the people of Iowa will kick us off with the first-in-the-nation Republican caucus. The very next week, New Hampshire will take center stage, and we’re offContinue reading “Use These 3 Habits to Thrive Through the 2024 Presidential Election Cycle”

Make Your Point & Make it Matter

“What I have to say just won’t make a difference.” If I had a nickel for every time a beginning advocate tried to hide behind that little lie we tell ourselves! This minor piece of self-doubt leads to big losses for the causes that are most important to us. Because it helps keep us fromContinue reading “Make Your Point & Make it Matter”

The First Thing I Teach Advocates: What REALLY Drives American Politics? (VLOG)

So, what really controls the agenda in American politics? What really causes things to happen – or not happen – in our federal government? If I said “money” you probably wouldn’t feel your socks being knocked off. Of course, money. Right? It’s those damn campaign contributions! Well, wait a minute. Not THAT money. That kindContinue reading “The First Thing I Teach Advocates: What REALLY Drives American Politics? (VLOG)”

My Audacious Goal

When I finally said it out loud, it felt even crazier than when it had been running through my mind for weeks on end. Worse yet, when I blurted it out, my audience was a sitting member of Congress. And as soon as the words left my mouth, I immediately braced for a body blow.Continue reading “My Audacious Goal”

Who wins in the Speaker battle?

Like you, every political operative in the country is probably scratching their head today. We’re all on the same unstable ground when it comes to what’s going on in DC. While those who work in and around politics may have more information, there’s no reason to think we know more. We don’t. We’re speculating. JustContinue reading “Who wins in the Speaker battle?”

Volume Does Not Equal Value

“We have to get in front of them again.” “We need more people in this meeting.” “They really need to hear this from a lot of people.” “Say it louder.” These are a few of my least favorite lines to hear from advocacy organizations. Even though they’re not always wrong. There are absolutely times inContinue reading “Volume Does Not Equal Value”

Can You Find a Way to “Like” Your Opposition?

Politicians don’t need us to like them to win re-election. They simply need fewer people to like their opponent. But campaign politics is fundamentally different from governance politics. In governance politics, winners have to find ways to bring people together in even the narrowest alliances.

Never Sacrifice Your Right to Not Have an Opinion

You never have to fully care about someone else’s issues. And not doing so could just be what keeps your successful advocacy day on track.

How Many Times Do I Have To Say This?!?!?

A few months back I was in DC for some hill visits with new-ish advocates. And they were tired. Dog tired. Going to DC is no joke. It takes a toll on you. Like any business travel, it throws off your system. Your sleep, your diet, your energy – it’s all off. But when you’reContinue reading “How Many Times Do I Have To Say This?!?!?”

The Most Concerning Talking Point You’ll Hear from Congress Right Now

Three separate meetings. Three very different members of congress. From both major parties. One message: you should expect a shutdown this fall. That’s the most concerning talking point I’m hearing consistently out of DC. Just a couple of weeks after they will return from the August recess period, Congress will face yet another fiscal cliff.Continue reading “The Most Concerning Talking Point You’ll Hear from Congress Right Now”