Parenting in a Pandemic, Still

I don’t know about you, but I’m kind of burnt out on politics this week. So, I thought we could chat about something else today. Please, do pardon the digression. I think by now, most of us have seen about every meme created aiming to capture the insanity of parenting during a pandemic. It seemsContinue reading “Parenting in a Pandemic, Still”

BONUS Post: What about the Court?

My day started with a warning from a friend. “Twitter is an absolute dumpster fire this morning.” He’s not wrong. Doubtless, by now, you’ve heard the news about the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. And regardless of one’s politics, we should pause to celebrate a titan of the legal profession, and someone who willfullyContinue reading “BONUS Post: What about the Court?”