Balancing Urgency and Resolve; A Quick Mantra for Advocates

I’m writing this short piece as I sit on a flight after a productive week in our nation’s capital. Over the course of five long days…

Every Advocate Should Ask This One Rude Question

Advocacy meetings aren’t about proving you’re right and the other side is wrong, they are fundamentally about humanizing complex issues.

Last Week in Washington

But if you want to really stand out as one of those volunteer advocates, and build your own credibility, you have to remember that you are in charge of the agenda.

Tips for Advocates: Remember this truth as the Presidential Campaign Warms Up

This week, in the category of “worst kept secrets, two prominent Republicans will have announced their candidacies for the 2024 Presidential primary. Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina and Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida will officially enter the fray after months of will they-won’t they speculation. And like the many others considering the same move,Continue reading “Tips for Advocates: Remember this truth as the Presidential Campaign Warms Up”

VLOG: Flipping Your Perspective on Congressional Offices and How to Avoid Partisanship

When writer’s block strikes, try talking it out! In today’s vlog, I share some perspectives from life inside a congressional district office and how you can better work with these teams to advance your cause. Check it out below, and let me know what you think! What should I cover the next time I recordContinue reading “VLOG: Flipping Your Perspective on Congressional Offices and How to Avoid Partisanship”

What’s It Like Testifying On A Bill?

Intimidating. No matter how often you do it. No matter how second-nature it may seem. No matter how much you practice. No matter what, public advocacy is intimidating. Yesterday, I had to do the uncomfortable part of that work by testifying in front of the Ohio House of Representatives’ Armed Forces and Veterans Affairs Committee.Continue reading “What’s It Like Testifying On A Bill?”

Why I Threw Away Talking Points in Advocacy

When I went on active duty, the conflict in Iraq had reached its high point. The dominant tactic from enemy forces on the ground had shifted, employing a devastating tactic: improvised explosive devices. Accordingly, our training was geared toward preparing us to think about the battle space in a different way – a way thatContinue reading “Why I Threw Away Talking Points in Advocacy”

Don’t Confuse Your Social Media Post with Effective Advocacy

Yesterday I spent the better part of five hours watching real Americans do something incredibly uncomfortable: testifying in public before a Congressional committee. This wasn’t one of those highly visible, controversial hearings where partisan hackery dominates the agenda. No, this was a hearing for a subcommittee focused on agricultural issues and they were debating theContinue reading “Don’t Confuse Your Social Media Post with Effective Advocacy”

The One Where We Talk Mental Health

There’s been one big addition to my work routine over the last several months that I haven’t really shared here. It’s not a project I own – I’m just a contributor. But it’s been a fun growth experience along the way. It’s challenged our team and helped us stretch. It’s also helping show our teamContinue reading “The One Where We Talk Mental Health”