3 Things You DON’T Have to Do to Make An Impact In Politics, 2024 Edition

It was early 2016. I was working for a member of Congress, and all the visitors to our office that day wanted to talk about was a political candidate they didn’t like. A candidate who wasn’t my boss. They were passionate, concerned people who wanted to be heard. But in the midst of their opportunityContinue reading “3 Things You DON’T Have to Do to Make An Impact In Politics, 2024 Edition”

Use These 3 Habits to Thrive Through the 2024 Presidential Election Cycle

It’s here. You’ve known it’s been coming. But it’s really here. In just over a month, American politics ramps up for its most watched contest. And on January 15, the people of Iowa will kick us off with the first-in-the-nation Republican caucus. The very next week, New Hampshire will take center stage, and we’re offContinue reading “Use These 3 Habits to Thrive Through the 2024 Presidential Election Cycle”

Can You Find a Way to “Like” Your Opposition?

Politicians don’t need us to like them to win re-election. They simply need fewer people to like their opponent. But campaign politics is fundamentally different from governance politics. In governance politics, winners have to find ways to bring people together in even the narrowest alliances.

Balancing Urgency and Resolve; A Quick Mantra for Advocates

I’m writing this short piece as I sit on a flight after a productive week in our nation’s capital. Over the course of five long days…

Why I Threw Away Talking Points in Advocacy

When I went on active duty, the conflict in Iraq had reached its high point. The dominant tactic from enemy forces on the ground had shifted, employing a devastating tactic: improvised explosive devices. Accordingly, our training was geared toward preparing us to think about the battle space in a different way – a way thatContinue reading “Why I Threw Away Talking Points in Advocacy”

The One Where We Talk Mental Health

There’s been one big addition to my work routine over the last several months that I haven’t really shared here. It’s not a project I own – I’m just a contributor. But it’s been a fun growth experience along the way. It’s challenged our team and helped us stretch. It’s also helping show our teamContinue reading “The One Where We Talk Mental Health”

A Beginner’s Guide to Building Credibility: Stop Using This One Word if You Want to Win Champions to your Cause

Effective advocates hunt for opportunities to build their credibility.

Need a boost for your sense of optimism? Start here

“I want to know how you can be so optimistic.” I don’t know why, but this has become a common thread in my conversations lately. As I’ve been briefing advocates on the current political landscape, and helping friends make sense of the recent election, a thought like this almost always creeps into the conversation. UntilContinue reading “Need a boost for your sense of optimism? Start here”