Working With Your Worthy Rivals

Two weeks ago, you heard from Tyler Fehrman with his first post on Part of the Possible. This week, he’s back with observations on why working with his rivals has made all the difference. Enjoy! – LC Some of the best advocates I have ever met have been folks from the other side. ​President AbrahamContinue reading “Working With Your Worthy Rivals”

Storytelling 104: Join the Quest

If you go back to the very first post introducing this storytelling series (Opposing Isn’t Good Enough), you’ll recall the inspiration behind it – the book Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller. In that piece, Miller lays out a basic seven step process for storytelling geared toward maximizing the impact of our stories onContinue reading “Storytelling 104: Join the Quest”

Yes, It’s OK to Share the Character of Your Culture

A couple of weeks ago I had a first. For the first time since launching Part of the Possible I had an opportunity to present an advocacy seminar for a group of aspiring advocates. The group included college students who hail from the agricultural sector. They come largely from small family farms across the BuckeyeContinue reading “Yes, It’s OK to Share the Character of Your Culture”

Political Action Plans: Developing Targets

Two weeks ago, I started a discussion about formulating political action plans. In that introductory post, I shared what I call the 4 Ts: Targets, Tactics, Timing and Testing. In today’s post, I plan to share more on the concept of identifying and developing targets for your agenda. I know we’ve swerved away from advocacyContinue reading “Political Action Plans: Developing Targets”

We will have our cake

One aspect of my life that I’ve yet to share much about on this platform is my time in uniform as a commissioned officer in the United States Marine Corps. From 2007-2011, I served as a lieutenant – leading Marines as part of the 3rd Battalion of the 2nd Marine Regiment (3/2) stationed in NorthContinue reading “We will have our cake”