Unlocking the Hidden Potential in Our Political System

For some reason, many would-be world changers back away from participating after they hear an early “no.” Many of us struggle to see our way past that first roadblock and toward another path.

Can You Find a Way to “Like” Your Opposition?

Politicians don’t need us to like them to win re-election. They simply need fewer people to like their opponent. But campaign politics is fundamentally different from governance politics. In governance politics, winners have to find ways to bring people together in even the narrowest alliances.

Stories from Congress: the one where a guy handed me a spine

Yes. He handed me a spine. I’ll say that again. Yes. A spinal cord. A protester once handed me a spinal cord. There I was, offering a friendly smile, and the guy hands me a model spinal cord – thinking he was about to embarrass me into agreeing with him on an issue. You haveContinue reading “Stories from Congress: the one where a guy handed me a spine”