3 Things You DON’T Have to Do to Make An Impact In Politics, 2024 Edition

It was early 2016. I was working for a member of Congress, and all the visitors to our office that day wanted to talk about was a political candidate they didn’t like. A candidate who wasn’t my boss. They were passionate, concerned people who wanted to be heard. But in the midst of their opportunityContinue reading “3 Things You DON’T Have to Do to Make An Impact In Politics, 2024 Edition”

Biden’s Chamberlain or Churchill Moment

I’m no fan of isolationism. It’s one of the many reasons I’d never be welcomed into the ranks of Libertarians. My distaste for isolationism is rooted in the cold reality of human existence. There has been no time in human history free from the threat of violence. Time and time again, when defenders of theContinue reading “Biden’s Chamberlain or Churchill Moment”