Stories from Congress: the one where a guy handed me a spine

Yes. He handed me a spine. I’ll say that again. Yes. A spinal cord. A protester once handed me a spinal cord. There I was, offering a friendly smile, and the guy hands me a model spinal cord – thinking he was about to embarrass me into agreeing with him on an issue. You haveContinue reading “Stories from Congress: the one where a guy handed me a spine”

Success in Advocacy: The Power Behind Your Personal Brand

Focus on serving your issue in a genuine way, with warmth and purpose and you will find your audience.

Recognizing When You’ve Reached Your Political Saturation Point

In 2018 and 2019, I reached my saturation point with party politics. I realized I needed to explore my other identities, beyond those defined by the people for whom I worked. It was a pivotal moment in my own career – and one that led to the same response others have when they hit their saturation points: I had to get some space.

Falling Out of Love With Your Plan

I internalized the importance of keeping our plans grounded in the reality that our environment – and the challenges we’re trying to conquer – are constantly evolving.

That evolution holds no regard for our egos.

Even Your Top Performers Suffer the Sunday Scaries

As my mother-in-law walked in the door and captured my toddler’s attention, I breathed a sigh of relief. My internal monologue didn’t miss a beat. “Thank God. I can check on that call to action from last week and see how we’re doing.” Mind you, I’m obsessive when it comes to time with my kids.Continue reading “Even Your Top Performers Suffer the Sunday Scaries”

Advocacy In The New “New Normal”

Despite the zoom fatigue that set in quickly, I’ll wager we won’t see the end of those types of meetings. Once new ways of doing business are adopted, it’s a long path to reverse those changes.

It’s About More Than Just Ukraine

Whether we like it or not, American exceptionalism is built in large measure on our willingness to do what others can’t or won’t.

What’s Your C.A.P.?

Last week, I posted a poll on LinkedIn asking folks what turns them off in modern politics. I gave three options because, in my book, the barriers in front of most of us boil down to three categories: Cost, Access, and Partisanship. And just because I know you needed another acronym in your life, IContinue reading “What’s Your C.A.P.?”

It’s probably time to expand your definition of community

By making these commitments to the broader community, successful advocates can open doors to a network that will exponentially expand their political impact.

Beware the Poison Pill of “Unified” Government

Taxes are the talk of the town right now. In the wake of President Biden’s address to the nation, those in the world of politics have switched into high gear. Scrambling for details, countless groups are working the phones trying to get a better understanding of just what will be included in the administration’s loomingContinue reading “Beware the Poison Pill of “Unified” Government”