Making Sense of, And Moving On From, the 2022 Midterm Elections

By a bit of good luck, I’ve been reading Originals by Adam Grant in the last few days. As a book about original thinking, personal development and change-making, it might not immediately strike you as a relevant read at election time. But here I am, finding myself gleaning important reminders at a time when soContinue reading “Making Sense of, And Moving On From, the 2022 Midterm Elections”

Recognizing When You’ve Reached Your Political Saturation Point

In 2018 and 2019, I reached my saturation point with party politics. I realized I needed to explore my other identities, beyond those defined by the people for whom I worked. It was a pivotal moment in my own career – and one that led to the same response others have when they hit their saturation points: I had to get some space.

2 Ancient Phrases to Kickstart Your Life

And they both revolve around death.

Advocacy Meetings 107: Win With Coalitions

It’s no secret that I’m a personal and professional development junkie. I enjoy digesting the thoughts of those who’ve come up with ways to maximize their effectiveness, and reach the top tiers of their fields. It’s why I can’t get enough of Simon Sinek, Adam Grant and so many more. Just the other day, whileContinue reading “Advocacy Meetings 107: Win With Coalitions”

It’s About More Than Just Ukraine

Whether we like it or not, American exceptionalism is built in large measure on our willingness to do what others can’t or won’t.

A Worthy Read for the Moment

A fair amount of time has passed since I added a new recommendation to the Bookshelf. Today, I right that wrong. I was first introduced to the writing style of Thomas E. Ricks in his study of US Military leadership titled The Generals. Less a history and more of an organizational biography, The Generals tracksContinue reading “A Worthy Read for the Moment”

Jumpstart Your Advocates’ Infinite Mindsets

The Infinite Game. That’s a pretty heady title, right? Building on his success with Leaders Eat Last and Start With Why, Simon Sinek did not disappoint with the work he released in 2019. The Infinite Game was such a compelling piece that, in large measure, it served as the catalyst toward the eventual launch ofContinue reading “Jumpstart Your Advocates’ Infinite Mindsets”

Complicated Cal

You may not be able to judge a book by its cover, but you can judge it by the wear and tear. I don’t really care for clean books. Yes, I absolutely want to pass along an extensive library to my kids some day. But under no circumstance should they expect those books to beContinue reading “Complicated Cal”