Success in Advocacy: The Power Behind Your Personal Brand

Focus on serving your issue in a genuine way, with warmth and purpose and you will find your audience.

Success in Advocacy: Clear is Greater than Clever

Being too clever can shut the conversation down long before we ever finish talking

What I Learned from Posting Video Content on Instagram and TikTok Every Day for 31 Days

If you’ve ever felt compelled to create something to share with the world, you have an opportunity now to get it in front of more people, faster, and easier than ever.

Ask Me Anything

But for the average person, it’s all still quite often mysterious. The process of governance is full of confusion – spurred by equal parts confounding bureaucracy and infuriating partisanship – that causes so many to simply throw their hands in the air and ignore it all.

Storytelling for Advocates 101

I’ve written about this before, but it bears repeating: your volunteer advocates are the most valuable, and the most underutilized resource for your organization. There’s data to back this up. The Congressional Management Foundation has looked into the concept for years. Their conclusions are pretty startling. While an overwhelming majority of senior staff and legislatorsContinue reading “Storytelling for Advocates 101”

Opposing Isn’t Good Enough

I’m watching an absolutely painful interview clip right now. I’m not going to offer context out of respect for the victim, er, interviewee. But suffice it to say that a public persona is being re-defined in front of my eyes. In watching this particularly brutal exchange, I’m reminded of a lesson from former Speaker ofContinue reading “Opposing Isn’t Good Enough”

Speaking of social media…

In the year and a half since I left a staff position in the electoral politics realm to lobby for an association, I’ve experienced an immense paradigm shift with regards to social media. I think it’s especially fitting to share this personal shift with you all as we’re in the middle of a series onContinue reading “Speaking of social media…”

On Hashtags, Fax Machines and Cults of Personality

I’ve been thinking about social media a great deal lately. Well, social media and fax machines. A few years back, I was placed in the awkward position of training a Gen Z intern on operating a fax machine. It was a brutal reminder that as an early Millennial my life experience has bridged the gapContinue reading “On Hashtags, Fax Machines and Cults of Personality”