Worried about food shortages? Watch these factors…

But we have to dispel the notion that there’s any one lever we can pull to fix the problem. There is immense complexity in every other industry as well. And that complexity is demanding our attention. We can’t sit idly by, we have to give a damn.

High Gasoline Prices? A lower cost, more secure fuel is already here

If we replaced only 1/3 of our total regular gasoline with cleaner, less expensive and better performing Unleaded 88, we could replace 100% of the fuel we used to buy from Russia.

People First

Today I’m thrilled to welcome a close friend who’s sharing his first post on Part of the Possible. Tyler Fehrman is a proud girl dad, passionate advocate, and believer in people. He considers helping individuals – learning their stories, building relationships, and finding common ground – his sole purpose in life. His background is inContinue reading “People First”

NASA, Corn Farmers, and Saving the World

In my day job, I have the incredible pleasure of working with agricultural producers. American farmers and ranchers are personal heroes of mine. You see, my family sold the farm before I came along – but my dad made sure I was never too far removed from those agrarian roots. Growing up, every month we’dContinue reading “NASA, Corn Farmers, and Saving the World”

Climate Tribalism is Stifling Advancement

I’ve got a major concern about the debate surrounding climate change: paradigms. Over the past several months, my work has been consumed by the debate surrounding global climate change. Beyond causes, the frenetic activity in the administration and Congress have both lent a new urgency to the search for meaningful solutions in the realms ofContinue reading “Climate Tribalism is Stifling Advancement”