Moments of Leadership from the Marines – Respect and Expect; Two Sides of the Same Coin

His lack of pride in the moment helped me feel a little more pride in myself.

Recognizing When You’ve Reached Your Political Saturation Point

In 2018 and 2019, I reached my saturation point with party politics. I realized I needed to explore my other identities, beyond those defined by the people for whom I worked. It was a pivotal moment in my own career – and one that led to the same response others have when they hit their saturation points: I had to get some space.

Social Media Advocacy: What Works, What Doesn’t, and How that Could Change

…effective advocacy is almost invariably better because of its timing, not its volume…

Food, Fuel & Fiber: American Agriculture is National Security

Strategically speaking, America has a lot of advantages on the global stage. Geographically we are protected by distance from much of the world. The diversity of our expansive countryside means we are blessed with an incredible variety of natural resources. Our inland waterways are the envy of the world – granting every one of ourContinue reading “Food, Fuel & Fiber: American Agriculture is National Security”

20 Hours in America

We are at our very best when we open our eyes to what’s happening in the lives of others.

Our Lives, Our Fortunes, and Our Sacred Honor

“I just have this terrible feeling that they’re going to kill him.” That line from a friend yesterday certainly struck home for me. We were discussing the situation in Ukraine. She was beaming with pride over the leadership of Volodymyr Zelensky in one moment, and in the span of a breath the gravity of theContinue reading “Our Lives, Our Fortunes, and Our Sacred Honor”

“The fight is here. I need ammunition, not a ride.”

Leadership in moments of crisis demands that you confront the point of friction.

Looking Back, Leaning Forward

It’s that time again. Tomorrow we celebrate the incoming new year, and bid adieu to 2021. Yep, another one in the books. A big year of growth for me, and I hope the same for you. In keeping with the custom of the season, I thought I’d use today’s entry to look back on aContinue reading “Looking Back, Leaning Forward”

What we get wrong about optimism

I’m not an optimist because everything is right in my world. I’m an optimist because it’s in our power to change what’s wrong.

If You Want To Be An Optimist, Begin By Giving Thanks

I was catching up with a friend recently and he said I seemed more optimistic, more confident in the future. The comment stuck with me over the past few weeks. And as I’ve sat with it, evaluating what could be different, I’m left with one simple answer: I’m more grateful these days. Over the lastContinue reading “If You Want To Be An Optimist, Begin By Giving Thanks”