In Times of Frustration, Look to Fort Ohio

I really like the small wins in politics. The wins that, for the most part go unnoticed by most. But if you’re paying attention, and follow the markers, these types of wins can point you to some reasons to stay hopeful. Hopeful despite the rancor and vitriol we see on the cable news channels coveringContinue reading “In Times of Frustration, Look to Fort Ohio”

Bring Your Cause Home With You

The whole system is rigged. Lobbyists like me have all the access because we’re there – in the capital cities – and regular people are shut out. So, is it really worth it to travel all the way to Washington, DC, wear uncomfortable clothes, sit across from perfect strangers and talk about your issues? DoesContinue reading “Bring Your Cause Home With You”

Step Two: Make A Plan

Two weeks ago, I shared that our very first step to stand out as advocates should be building trust. Finding ways to connect with people before jumping into the politics of it all helps you play the long game. When you build that trust, you gain credibility over time. But what about the short game?Continue reading “Step Two: Make A Plan”

Step One: Build Trust

Easily one of the hardest things to do in advocacy, is choosing to trust someone you do not like. Yet that is the task at hand – as much so in 2024 as in any other time. Recently, my work took me back to Washington, DC for a marathon week of meetings. Meetings to absorbContinue reading “Step One: Build Trust”

Use These 3 Habits to Thrive Through the 2024 Presidential Election Cycle

It’s here. You’ve known it’s been coming. But it’s really here. In just over a month, American politics ramps up for its most watched contest. And on January 15, the people of Iowa will kick us off with the first-in-the-nation Republican caucus. The very next week, New Hampshire will take center stage, and we’re offContinue reading “Use These 3 Habits to Thrive Through the 2024 Presidential Election Cycle”

The First Thing I Teach Advocates: What REALLY Drives American Politics? (VLOG)

So, what really controls the agenda in American politics? What really causes things to happen – or not happen – in our federal government? If I said “money” you probably wouldn’t feel your socks being knocked off. Of course, money. Right? It’s those damn campaign contributions! Well, wait a minute. Not THAT money. That kindContinue reading “The First Thing I Teach Advocates: What REALLY Drives American Politics? (VLOG)”

Who wins in the Speaker battle?

Like you, every political operative in the country is probably scratching their head today. We’re all on the same unstable ground when it comes to what’s going on in DC. While those who work in and around politics may have more information, there’s no reason to think we know more. We don’t. We’re speculating. JustContinue reading “Who wins in the Speaker battle?”

Can You Find a Way to “Like” Your Opposition?

Politicians don’t need us to like them to win re-election. They simply need fewer people to like their opponent. But campaign politics is fundamentally different from governance politics. In governance politics, winners have to find ways to bring people together in even the narrowest alliances.

Never Sacrifice Your Right to Not Have an Opinion

You never have to fully care about someone else’s issues. And not doing so could just be what keeps your successful advocacy day on track.