Our Lives, Our Fortunes, and Our Sacred Honor

“I just have this terrible feeling that they’re going to kill him.” That line from a friend yesterday certainly struck home for me. We were discussing the situation in Ukraine. She was beaming with pride over the leadership of Volodymyr Zelensky in one moment, and in the span of a breath the gravity of theContinue reading “Our Lives, Our Fortunes, and Our Sacred Honor”

Elon Musk is a National (Security) Treasure

Moving at the speed of human decency, Musk’s quick action caught the attention of the world this past weekend. Deservedly so. In a time when so many of us feel absolutely helpless to make a difference, it’s understandably invigorating to cheer on someone who can.

“The fight is here. I need ammunition, not a ride.”

Leadership in moments of crisis demands that you confront the point of friction.

Advocacy During Times of Crisis

Well, I hate to break it to you – there will never be a better time. There will always be another crisis, another scandal, another headline in the way. History marches on.

Biden’s Chamberlain or Churchill Moment

I’m no fan of isolationism. It’s one of the many reasons I’d never be welcomed into the ranks of Libertarians. My distaste for isolationism is rooted in the cold reality of human existence. There has been no time in human history free from the threat of violence. Time and time again, when defenders of theContinue reading “Biden’s Chamberlain or Churchill Moment”

Reluctant Warriors

I’m writing this piece after spending an hour catching up on the latest out of Ukraine, and some time before that reading a biography on Ulysses S. Grant. That particular cocktail can bring your attention to a staggering truth about war: those who prepare to fight them, rarely want to. Our 18th President was noContinue reading “Reluctant Warriors”

Keep Showing Up

You have to show up, and fail, and learn, and show up again.

2 Ancient Phrases to Kickstart Your Life

And they both revolve around death.

It’s About More Than Just Ukraine

Whether we like it or not, American exceptionalism is built in large measure on our willingness to do what others can’t or won’t.