Political Capital: Are You Building It Or Burning It?

Too often, defeatism sets in well before you reach the limit of your effectiveness in advocacy. Years ago, I would commonly call it out as an unfortunate byproduct of the microwave oven. We’ve lived for decades now with the ability to near instantaneously address even complex cravings. But useful tools like the microwave have also made us exceedingly impatient. They’ve also helped us forget that putting in the reps matters.

Use These 3 Habits to Thrive Through the 2024 Presidential Election Cycle

It’s here. You’ve known it’s been coming. But it’s really here. In just over a month, American politics ramps up for its most watched contest. And on January 15, the people of Iowa will kick us off with the first-in-the-nation Republican caucus. The very next week, New Hampshire will take center stage, and we’re offContinue reading “Use These 3 Habits to Thrive Through the 2024 Presidential Election Cycle”

The One Where We Talk Mental Health

There’s been one big addition to my work routine over the last several months that I haven’t really shared here. It’s not a project I own – I’m just a contributor. But it’s been a fun growth experience along the way. It’s challenged our team and helped us stretch. It’s also helping show our teamContinue reading “The One Where We Talk Mental Health”

Success in Advocacy: “Just be Human”

These are the basics, the fundamentals, any advocate needs to find long term success. Basically, just be human.

What I Learned from Posting Video Content on Instagram and TikTok Every Day for 31 Days

If you’ve ever felt compelled to create something to share with the world, you have an opportunity now to get it in front of more people, faster, and easier than ever.