If You Want To Be An Optimist, Begin By Giving Thanks

I was catching up with a friend recently and he said I seemed more optimistic, more confident in the future. The comment stuck with me over the past few weeks. And as I’ve sat with it, evaluating what could be different, I’m left with one simple answer: I’m more grateful these days. Over the lastContinue reading “If You Want To Be An Optimist, Begin By Giving Thanks”

Happy Birthday, Marines

There’s something about the Marine Corps – some ineffable quality that sets it apart from the other branches. And yes, I know I’m biased. But on the eve of our 246th birthday celebration, I’ll beg your pardon for the extra swagger in our step. Right now, Marines around the globe are celebrating their heritage. ThoseContinue reading “Happy Birthday, Marines”

The Gift of a Transformative Culture

It truly feels like yesterday. I remember the heat and the humidity. I can still hear the crack of rifles and the uniform stomp of boots as our company crossed the parade ground, drilling on display for friends and families. Within the Marine Corps, there’s a common cadence for public events – a predictable runContinue reading “The Gift of a Transformative Culture”

We will have our cake

One aspect of my life that I’ve yet to share much about on this platform is my time in uniform as a commissioned officer in the United States Marine Corps. From 2007-2011, I served as a lieutenant – leading Marines as part of the 3rd Battalion of the 2nd Marine Regiment (3/2) stationed in NorthContinue reading “We will have our cake”