“The fight is here. I need ammunition, not a ride.”

Leadership in moments of crisis demands that you confront the point of friction.

Biden’s Chamberlain or Churchill Moment

I’m no fan of isolationism. It’s one of the many reasons I’d never be welcomed into the ranks of Libertarians. My distaste for isolationism is rooted in the cold reality of human existence. There has been no time in human history free from the threat of violence. Time and time again, when defenders of theContinue reading “Biden’s Chamberlain or Churchill Moment”

Keep Showing Up

You have to show up, and fail, and learn, and show up again.

2 Ancient Phrases to Kickstart Your Life

And they both revolve around death.

Advocacy Meetings 105: Build a System

As I think about the advocates I’ve trained through the years, there’s a certain trend that sticks out to me. In the period leading up to an advocacy event, volunteers often project an air of confidence that evaporates the moment we walk into the actual meeting. When face to face with their target, the senseContinue reading “Advocacy Meetings 105: Build a System”

Looking Back, Leaning Forward

It’s that time again. Tomorrow we celebrate the incoming new year, and bid adieu to 2021. Yep, another one in the books. A big year of growth for me, and I hope the same for you. In keeping with the custom of the season, I thought I’d use today’s entry to look back on aContinue reading “Looking Back, Leaning Forward”

What we get wrong about optimism

I’m not an optimist because everything is right in my world. I’m an optimist because it’s in our power to change what’s wrong.

If You Want To Be An Optimist, Begin By Giving Thanks

I was catching up with a friend recently and he said I seemed more optimistic, more confident in the future. The comment stuck with me over the past few weeks. And as I’ve sat with it, evaluating what could be different, I’m left with one simple answer: I’m more grateful these days. Over the lastContinue reading “If You Want To Be An Optimist, Begin By Giving Thanks”

Happy Birthday, Marines

There’s something about the Marine Corps – some ineffable quality that sets it apart from the other branches. And yes, I know I’m biased. But on the eve of our 246th birthday celebration, I’ll beg your pardon for the extra swagger in our step. Right now, Marines around the globe are celebrating their heritage. ThoseContinue reading “Happy Birthday, Marines”

What are Your Three Truths?

I love podcasts. I love audio content in general. It’s a format that allows me to focus my brain while working on other tasks with my hands. While most choose a music playlist for their runs, I’ve usually got an audiobook or a pod running through my headphones. And because I’ve got this constant streamContinue reading “What are Your Three Truths?”