Colin Powell, The Reluctant Warrior

In the last decade, former Secretary of State Colin Powell may have found himself feeling like a man out of sync with the times. With the news of his passing yesterday, I found myself reflecting on the profound impact he had on so many over such a long career. Regardless of one’s politics, there’s probablyContinue reading “Colin Powell, The Reluctant Warrior”

The Most Dangerous Idea in Politics

Those who cannot envision a brighter future will never aspire to one.

A Worthy Read for the Moment

A fair amount of time has passed since I added a new recommendation to the Bookshelf. Today, I right that wrong. I was first introduced to the writing style of Thomas E. Ricks in his study of US Military leadership titled The Generals. Less a history and more of an organizational biography, The Generals tracksContinue reading “A Worthy Read for the Moment”

At a loss…

Let me start by acknowledging that my time in uniform never took me to Afghanistan. It simply wasn’t where the Marine Corps sent me. Nevertheless, I lost a few friends to that far away land. I’m writing tonight after a stunning few days when the world witnessed the implosion of twenty years worth of nationalContinue reading “At a loss…”

The Gift of a Transformative Culture

It truly feels like yesterday. I remember the heat and the humidity. I can still hear the crack of rifles and the uniform stomp of boots as our company crossed the parade ground, drilling on display for friends and families. Within the Marine Corps, there’s a common cadence for public events – a predictable runContinue reading “The Gift of a Transformative Culture”

The Pesky Problems of a Crisis Mindset

“If everything is a priority, then nothing is a priority.” Some Marine Officer, sometime I honestly can’t remember just when I heard this USMC truism, but it’s one of those that I encountered repeatedly in uniform. It may not be fully fair, but I’m going to accredit this one to my former Commanding Officer. ForContinue reading “The Pesky Problems of a Crisis Mindset”

The Indispensable Senator from Ohio

The seeds of history making statesmanship are planted in late January. At least that’s my latest theory. On January 25th, 2021 US Senator Rob Portman announced he would retire at the end of his current term. While the political class jumped straight to discussions of potential successors, they missed Portman’s transition from Senator to Statesman.Continue reading “The Indispensable Senator from Ohio”

Climate Policy and American Exceptionalism: ‘Lead by Example’ is the Wrong Argument

Americans are competitors. It’s in our national DNA. That’s why I’m convinced President Biden’s administration is faltering when they argue ‘leading by example’ in the discussion of climate solutions. For better or worse, our national conscience is often driven by a finite, winner-take-all mindset driven by the way we talk about the issues and challengesContinue reading “Climate Policy and American Exceptionalism: ‘Lead by Example’ is the Wrong Argument”

Be Careful Who You Dismiss

If I’m being honest, I had no idea what to write about today. Maybe like you, my brain is still settled into an idling mode from the holiday weekend. So here I am, late on Monday night scrolling the internet for inspiration. Lo and behold, 5 minutes into my search I land on a storyContinue reading “Be Careful Who You Dismiss”

There’s Room for Everyone to Succeed

The surest way to achieve your own goals is to help others achieve theirs. When we think of serving each other in this way, we acknowledge an abundance in the world around us – and that there’s more than enough for all of us to find success. I was reminded of this truism while paintingContinue reading “There’s Room for Everyone to Succeed”