Sam’s Formula for Storytelling

Do you have a scene from a television show or movie that continues to live rent free in your mind? Mine’s pretty easy to pick. It’s stood the test of time with me – a regularly reviewed inspiration and simultaneous rebuke against me when I’m falling short. You’ll probably be able to guess that it’sContinue reading “Sam’s Formula for Storytelling”

Moments of Leadership – the one where you just keep going

Going slow isn’t a failure, giving up is.

Give ’em hell, Harry

It’s challenging enough to not remember President Harry S. Truman simply through the prism of “FDR’s successor”. It’s nearly impossible to not fall into the trap of discussing his role in ending the second World War and stumbling toward the Korean War. His terms in office so saturated with conflict, he is often quoted byContinue reading “Give ’em hell, Harry”