Storytelling for Advocates 101

I’ve written about this before, but it bears repeating: your volunteer advocates are the most valuable, and the most underutilized resource for your organization. There’s data to back this up. The Congressional Management Foundation has looked into the concept for years. Their conclusions are pretty startling. While an overwhelming majority of senior staff and legislatorsContinue reading “Storytelling for Advocates 101”

Climate Tribalism is Stifling Advancement

I’ve got a major concern about the debate surrounding climate change: paradigms. Over the past several months, my work has been consumed by the debate surrounding global climate change. Beyond causes, the frenetic activity in the administration and Congress have both lent a new urgency to the search for meaningful solutions in the realms ofContinue reading “Climate Tribalism is Stifling Advancement”

Jumpstart Your Advocates’ Infinite Mindsets

The Infinite Game. That’s a pretty heady title, right? Building on his success with Leaders Eat Last and Start With Why, Simon Sinek did not disappoint with the work he released in 2019. The Infinite Game was such a compelling piece that, in large measure, it served as the catalyst toward the eventual launch ofContinue reading “Jumpstart Your Advocates’ Infinite Mindsets”

The Weight of Our Words

Words have meaning. That’s a pretty simple statement, right? Obviously words have meaning, or else we wouldn’t use them. But sit with the phrase a little longer, and you may just stumble on to why this statement is drilled into the minds of leaders at every level of our military. As a Marine officer, youContinue reading “The Weight of Our Words”

Complicated Cal

You may not be able to judge a book by its cover, but you can judge it by the wear and tear. I don’t really care for clean books. Yes, I absolutely want to pass along an extensive library to my kids some day. But under no circumstance should they expect those books to beContinue reading “Complicated Cal”

Sam’s Formula for Storytelling

Do you have a scene from a television show or movie that continues to live rent free in your mind? Mine’s pretty easy to pick. It’s stood the test of time with me – a regularly reviewed inspiration and simultaneous rebuke against me when I’m falling short. You’ll probably be able to guess that it’sContinue reading “Sam’s Formula for Storytelling”

Moments of Leadership – the one where you just keep going

Going slow isn’t a failure, giving up is.

The Holidays and Resting Differently in 2020

If you’ve been checking in each Thursday while I write about Political Action Plans, you’re probably expecting me to hit on the next of our 4 Ts, Timing. Well, gotcha! I absolutely will be doing a post on Timing and continuing this series in a couple of weeks. But I’m pretty sure that you, likeContinue reading “The Holidays and Resting Differently in 2020”