Who wins in the Speaker battle?

Like you, every political operative in the country is probably scratching their head today. We’re all on the same unstable ground when it comes to what’s going on in DC. While those who work in and around politics may have more information, there’s no reason to think we know more. We don’t. We’re speculating. JustContinue reading “Who wins in the Speaker battle?”

Why I Threw Away Talking Points in Advocacy

When I went on active duty, the conflict in Iraq had reached its high point. The dominant tactic from enemy forces on the ground had shifted, employing a devastating tactic: improvised explosive devices. Accordingly, our training was geared toward preparing us to think about the battle space in a different way – a way thatContinue reading “Why I Threw Away Talking Points in Advocacy”

The One Where We Talk Mental Health

There’s been one big addition to my work routine over the last several months that I haven’t really shared here. It’s not a project I own – I’m just a contributor. But it’s been a fun growth experience along the way. It’s challenged our team and helped us stretch. It’s also helping show our teamContinue reading “The One Where We Talk Mental Health”

Keeping Your Head on Election Day

But Election Day isn’t a finish line – it’s a starting block. It’s the anticipation of the starting gun for a foot race. It’s getting into position to act. Successful advocates distinguish themselves by realizing that, and visualizing how they’ll react when the starting gun fires.

Become a Better Advocate: Have Hard Conversations

“How do we get our leaders to stop fighting and start working?” I cannot begin to tell you how many times I’ve been asked that question. Even working for centrist members of Congress, that sentiment came up nearly every week I was on the job. For almost a decade. I can tell you since IContinue reading “Become a Better Advocate: Have Hard Conversations”

Moments of Leadership from the Marines – Respect and Expect; Two Sides of the Same Coin

His lack of pride in the moment helped me feel a little more pride in myself.

Success in Advocacy: “Just be Human”

These are the basics, the fundamentals, any advocate needs to find long term success. Basically, just be human.

Falling Out of Love With Your Plan

I internalized the importance of keeping our plans grounded in the reality that our environment – and the challenges we’re trying to conquer – are constantly evolving.

That evolution holds no regard for our egos.

Food, Fuel & Fiber: American Agriculture is National Security

Strategically speaking, America has a lot of advantages on the global stage. Geographically we are protected by distance from much of the world. The diversity of our expansive countryside means we are blessed with an incredible variety of natural resources. Our inland waterways are the envy of the world – granting every one of ourContinue reading “Food, Fuel & Fiber: American Agriculture is National Security”