Political Action Plans: Timing

Welcome back to a series focused on helping you shape your political action plans. If you need to knock off some cobwebs at the start of the new year, here’s the first post in this series. Originally, I was going to post this last week, but the events that occurred on the Capitol grounds promptedContinue reading “Political Action Plans: Timing”

Let’s talk about negative media

I’m going to begin, in all fairness, by stating up front that I’m probably blowing this all way out of proportion. I usually don’t get worked up over headlines. This far into life, there’s not much that comes out of media coverage that can really make my blood boil. But this week, I’m not embarrassedContinue reading “Let’s talk about negative media”

Political Action Plans: Tactics

If you’ve been checking in on this series about Political Actions Plans, you’re well on your way to identifying who you need influence in the next year to advance your agenda. But what are the tactics you’re going to use to reach them? Today, we’re talking tactics. I’m not talking about a whiz-bang data tool,Continue reading “Political Action Plans: Tactics”

Political Action Plans: Developing Targets

Two weeks ago, I started a discussion about formulating political action plans. In that introductory post, I shared what I call the 4 Ts: Targets, Tactics, Timing and Testing. In today’s post, I plan to share more on the concept of identifying and developing targets for your agenda. I know we’ve swerved away from advocacyContinue reading “Political Action Plans: Developing Targets”