The Do’s and Dont’s to Survive Political Division and Help Your Cause Succeed

As I’ve chatted with advocates and volunteers since the most recent US election, one thing is clear: no one really knows what to expect in 2023. Many Americans are looking around and scratching their heads. Even those who were pleasantly surprised by the outcome are coming to the realization that we dialed up two moreContinue reading “The Do’s and Dont’s to Survive Political Division and Help Your Cause Succeed”

Need a boost for your sense of optimism? Start here

“I want to know how you can be so optimistic.” I don’t know why, but this has become a common thread in my conversations lately. As I’ve been briefing advocates on the current political landscape, and helping friends make sense of the recent election, a thought like this almost always creeps into the conversation. UntilContinue reading “Need a boost for your sense of optimism? Start here”

Become a Better Advocate: Have Hard Conversations

“How do we get our leaders to stop fighting and start working?” I cannot begin to tell you how many times I’ve been asked that question. Even working for centrist members of Congress, that sentiment came up nearly every week I was on the job. For almost a decade. I can tell you since IContinue reading “Become a Better Advocate: Have Hard Conversations”

Success in Advocacy: Clear is Greater than Clever

Being too clever can shut the conversation down long before we ever finish talking

“Do You Really Believe this Sh!t?”

The easiest people in the world to dismiss are those who don’t show up.

With All Due Respect, That’s Chicken Sh*t

There are a lot of great stories about former Speaker of the House, John Boehner. And as a fellow Ohioan, I’m contractually obligated to share great stories about Ohioans. With recent events in the Buckeye state, I felt there was no better time than the present to share. A number of years ago, I wasContinue reading “With All Due Respect, That’s Chicken Sh*t”

Worried about food shortages? Watch these factors…

But we have to dispel the notion that there’s any one lever we can pull to fix the problem. There is immense complexity in every other industry as well. And that complexity is demanding our attention. We can’t sit idly by, we have to give a damn.

2 minutes, and 37 seconds on Why I’m Optimistic About Politics

Simply being disappointed isn’t enough. If you’re really serious about making things better, there is no substitute for action, and action means showing up.

NASA, Corn Farmers, and Saving the World

In my day job, I have the incredible pleasure of working with agricultural producers. American farmers and ranchers are personal heroes of mine. You see, my family sold the farm before I came along – but my dad made sure I was never too far removed from those agrarian roots. Growing up, every month we’dContinue reading “NASA, Corn Farmers, and Saving the World”