Moments of Leadership from the Marines – Respect and Expect; Two Sides of the Same Coin

His lack of pride in the moment helped me feel a little more pride in myself.

Food, Fuel & Fiber: American Agriculture is National Security

Strategically speaking, America has a lot of advantages on the global stage. Geographically we are protected by distance from much of the world. The diversity of our expansive countryside means we are blessed with an incredible variety of natural resources. Our inland waterways are the envy of the world – granting every one of ourContinue reading “Food, Fuel & Fiber: American Agriculture is National Security”

Advocacy In The New “New Normal”

Despite the zoom fatigue that set in quickly, I’ll wager we won’t see the end of those types of meetings. Once new ways of doing business are adopted, it’s a long path to reverse those changes.

Advocacy During Times of Crisis

Well, I hate to break it to you – there will never be a better time. There will always be another crisis, another scandal, another headline in the way. History marches on.

Advocacy Meetings 109: Practice, Practice, Practice

There’s something we do in the military that I don’t see as often in civilian life – at least not in the advocacy world. It’s a powerful tool to help teams coalesce before an action and improvise during that mission. And when things inevitably go wrong in the field, this one tool helps everyone understandContinue reading “Advocacy Meetings 109: Practice, Practice, Practice”

Advocacy Meetings 108: Ditch the Theatrics

In a perfect world, we’d never feel like we have to scream to be heard.

Advocacy Meetings 107: Win With Coalitions

It’s no secret that I’m a personal and professional development junkie. I enjoy digesting the thoughts of those who’ve come up with ways to maximize their effectiveness, and reach the top tiers of their fields. It’s why I can’t get enough of Simon Sinek, Adam Grant and so many more. Just the other day, whileContinue reading “Advocacy Meetings 107: Win With Coalitions”

Advocacy Meetings 105: Build a System

As I think about the advocates I’ve trained through the years, there’s a certain trend that sticks out to me. In the period leading up to an advocacy event, volunteers often project an air of confidence that evaporates the moment we walk into the actual meeting. When face to face with their target, the senseContinue reading “Advocacy Meetings 105: Build a System”

Looking Back, Leaning Forward

It’s that time again. Tomorrow we celebrate the incoming new year, and bid adieu to 2021. Yep, another one in the books. A big year of growth for me, and I hope the same for you. In keeping with the custom of the season, I thought I’d use today’s entry to look back on aContinue reading “Looking Back, Leaning Forward”

Three New Year’s Resolutions to Survive the 2022 Election

Well, we’re here again. Looking forward to a new year and all the potential it brings. It’s a great time of year. We’re waking from the holiday coma, striking out on new adventures, and pursuing new goals. What a season! It’s no different in politics. After an end of year respite, those in advocacy areContinue reading “Three New Year’s Resolutions to Survive the 2022 Election”