Step Two: Make A Plan

Two weeks ago, I shared that our very first step to stand out as advocates should be building trust. Finding ways to connect with people before jumping into the politics of it all helps you play the long game. When you build that trust, you gain credibility over time. But what about the short game?Continue reading “Step Two: Make A Plan”

Last Week in Washington

But if you want to really stand out as one of those volunteer advocates, and build your own credibility, you have to remember that you are in charge of the agenda.

These 3 Steps Will Make it Easier to Fight for Your Cause

At this point, I can’t keep track of how many of these “morning briefings” I’ve attended. Where DC-based political operatives “prepare” out-of-town advocates to go storm Capitol Hill. And they almost all follow the same script…

What Do I Do When I…only have one minute to make my case?

The real win in a moment like this – when you have a minute or less to talk about your issue – isn’t getting the listener to ‘yes.’ Success is getting them to say ‘I want to know more.’

One Size Fits One; and How Schoolhouse Rock! Lied To You

A big challenge for me as I train prospective advocates is nailing down just what barriers stand in their way and keep them from taking action on the causes that are most important to them. These barriers are incredibly important for us to understand because there is no substitute for the effectiveness of a realContinue reading “One Size Fits One; and How Schoolhouse Rock! Lied To You”

Can you plan too much as an advocate?

I had to do it again this week. I had to share with folks just why I can’t stand talking points. It’s personal. At this point it’s almost as if I’m on a vendetta against bullet pointed communication in general. And before you tell me, yes, I know and recognize that this is a strangeContinue reading “Can you plan too much as an advocate?”

“What do I do when…?”

One of my absolute favorite things to do professionally is training aspiring advocates. For me, there is no replacement for stretching the relationship building muscles and helping folks understand just how natural it can be to stand up for their cause. The trainings I do almost always center on the importance of practical application becauseContinue reading ““What do I do when…?””

Making Sense of, And Moving On From, the 2022 Midterm Elections

By a bit of good luck, I’ve been reading Originals by Adam Grant in the last few days. As a book about original thinking, personal development and change-making, it might not immediately strike you as a relevant read at election time. But here I am, finding myself gleaning important reminders at a time when soContinue reading “Making Sense of, And Moving On From, the 2022 Midterm Elections”

Keeping Your Head on Election Day

But Election Day isn’t a finish line – it’s a starting block. It’s the anticipation of the starting gun for a foot race. It’s getting into position to act. Successful advocates distinguish themselves by realizing that, and visualizing how they’ll react when the starting gun fires.

Success in Advocacy: “Just be Human”

These are the basics, the fundamentals, any advocate needs to find long term success. Basically, just be human.