One Size Fits One; and How Schoolhouse Rock! Lied To You

A big challenge for me as I train prospective advocates is nailing down just what barriers stand in their way and keep them from taking action on the causes that are most important to them. These barriers are incredibly important for us to understand because there is no substitute for the effectiveness of a realContinue reading “One Size Fits One; and How Schoolhouse Rock! Lied To You”

The Do’s and Dont’s to Survive Political Division and Help Your Cause Succeed

As I’ve chatted with advocates and volunteers since the most recent US election, one thing is clear: no one really knows what to expect in 2023. Many Americans are looking around and scratching their heads. Even those who were pleasantly surprised by the outcome are coming to the realization that we dialed up two moreContinue reading “The Do’s and Dont’s to Survive Political Division and Help Your Cause Succeed”

Success in Advocacy: Balancing the Three P’s

Getting advocacy right looks a lot more like flowing between each of these three pillars and finding where we are lacking in a given moment. It looks a lot more like surrounding ourselves with people who think differently than we do. And it looks a lot more like adjusting our strategies in real time as we continually receive feedback from the process…