Can you plan too much as an advocate?

I had to do it again this week. I had to share with folks just why I can’t stand talking points. It’s personal. At this point it’s almost as if I’m on a vendetta against bullet pointed communication in general. And before you tell me, yes, I know and recognize that this is a strangeContinue reading “Can you plan too much as an advocate?”

What to Say When You Don’t Know the Answer

This week I got to do what I love most in my work – train aspiring advocates. And this time, that training session was focused on an exceptionally bright, and engaged group of college students. What they lacked in direct experience with political issues, they were eager to make up for in vim and vigor.Continue reading “What to Say When You Don’t Know the Answer”

A Beginner’s Guide to Building Credibility: Stop Using This One Word if You Want to Win Champions to your Cause

Effective advocates hunt for opportunities to build their credibility.

Need a boost for your sense of optimism? Start here

“I want to know how you can be so optimistic.” I don’t know why, but this has become a common thread in my conversations lately. As I’ve been briefing advocates on the current political landscape, and helping friends make sense of the recent election, a thought like this almost always creeps into the conversation. UntilContinue reading “Need a boost for your sense of optimism? Start here”

Keeping Your Head on Election Day

But Election Day isn’t a finish line – it’s a starting block. It’s the anticipation of the starting gun for a foot race. It’s getting into position to act. Successful advocates distinguish themselves by realizing that, and visualizing how they’ll react when the starting gun fires.

Success in Advocacy: Clear is Greater than Clever

Being too clever can shut the conversation down long before we ever finish talking

Moments of Leadership from the Marines – Respect and Expect; Two Sides of the Same Coin

His lack of pride in the moment helped me feel a little more pride in myself.

Success in Advocacy: “Just be Human”

These are the basics, the fundamentals, any advocate needs to find long term success. Basically, just be human.

Why You ALWAYS Need an “Ask”

The stories I could tell you. Over 8.5 years working for members of Congress, there were a LOT of constituent meetings. These were opportunities for concerned citizens to engage directly with their elected representative – or that representative’s staff – to share a slice of what was happening back in the district. Sometimes they wereContinue reading “Why You ALWAYS Need an “Ask””

No One Will Give A Damn If You’re Not Genuine

What do you say to a Member of Congress – or their staff – when you finally have a chance to meet with them? Yesterday I had an opportunity to speak with a local Rotary club. I love these civic organizations that bring diverse individuals together. They are miniature demonstrations of our ability to workContinue reading “No One Will Give A Damn If You’re Not Genuine”