Unlocking the Hidden Potential in Our Political System

For some reason, many would-be world changers back away from participating after they hear an early “no.” Many of us struggle to see our way past that first roadblock and toward another path.

Recognizing When You’ve Reached Your Political Saturation Point

In 2018 and 2019, I reached my saturation point with party politics. I realized I needed to explore my other identities, beyond those defined by the people for whom I worked. It was a pivotal moment in my own career – and one that led to the same response others have when they hit their saturation points: I had to get some space.

Our Lives, Our Fortunes, and Our Sacred Honor

“I just have this terrible feeling that they’re going to kill him.” That line from a friend yesterday certainly struck home for me. We were discussing the situation in Ukraine. She was beaming with pride over the leadership of Volodymyr Zelensky in one moment, and in the span of a breath the gravity of theContinue reading “Our Lives, Our Fortunes, and Our Sacred Honor”

Reluctant Warriors

I’m writing this piece after spending an hour catching up on the latest out of Ukraine, and some time before that reading a biography on Ulysses S. Grant. That particular cocktail can bring your attention to a staggering truth about war: those who prepare to fight them, rarely want to. Our 18th President was noContinue reading “Reluctant Warriors”

2 Ancient Phrases to Kickstart Your Life

And they both revolve around death.

Advocacy Meetings 107: Win With Coalitions

It’s no secret that I’m a personal and professional development junkie. I enjoy digesting the thoughts of those who’ve come up with ways to maximize their effectiveness, and reach the top tiers of their fields. It’s why I can’t get enough of Simon Sinek, Adam Grant and so many more. Just the other day, whileContinue reading “Advocacy Meetings 107: Win With Coalitions”

Advocacy Meetings 105: Build a System

As I think about the advocates I’ve trained through the years, there’s a certain trend that sticks out to me. In the period leading up to an advocacy event, volunteers often project an air of confidence that evaporates the moment we walk into the actual meeting. When face to face with their target, the senseContinue reading “Advocacy Meetings 105: Build a System”

What we get wrong about optimism

I’m not an optimist because everything is right in my world. I’m an optimist because it’s in our power to change what’s wrong.