Second and Third Order Consequences

If you take a moment to browse the Bookshelf page on this site, you’ll note the opening section includes a reference to the Thomas Sowell Reader. Dr. Sowell stands as one of those influencing figures in my life whose words continue to come back to me time and time again. A prior Marine himself, Dr.Continue reading “Second and Third Order Consequences”

Moments of Leadership – the one where you just keep going

Going slow isn’t a failure, giving up is.

Let’s talk about negative media

I’m going to begin, in all fairness, by stating up front that I’m probably blowing this all way out of proportion. I usually don’t get worked up over headlines. This far into life, there’s not much that comes out of media coverage that can really make my blood boil. But this week, I’m not embarrassedContinue reading “Let’s talk about negative media”

Parenting in a Pandemic, Still

I don’t know about you, but I’m kind of burnt out on politics this week. So, I thought we could chat about something else today. Please, do pardon the digression. I think by now, most of us have seen about every meme created aiming to capture the insanity of parenting during a pandemic. It seemsContinue reading “Parenting in a Pandemic, Still”