Stories from Congress: the one where a guy handed me a spine

Yes. He handed me a spine. I’ll say that again. Yes. A spinal cord. A protester once handed me a spinal cord. There I was, offering a friendly smile, and the guy hands me a model spinal cord – thinking he was about to embarrass me into agreeing with him on an issue. You haveContinue reading “Stories from Congress: the one where a guy handed me a spine”

Success in Advocacy: The Power Behind Your Personal Brand

Focus on serving your issue in a genuine way, with warmth and purpose and you will find your audience.

“Do You Really Believe this Sh!t?”

The easiest people in the world to dismiss are those who don’t show up.

What I Learned from Posting Video Content on Instagram and TikTok Every Day for 31 Days

If you’ve ever felt compelled to create something to share with the world, you have an opportunity now to get it in front of more people, faster, and easier than ever.

2 minutes, and 37 seconds on Why I’m Optimistic About Politics

Simply being disappointed isn’t enough. If you’re really serious about making things better, there is no substitute for action, and action means showing up.

Social Media Advocacy: Even the Big Boys Get it Wrong

Your issue deserves more than a sharply worded tweet. If you’re serious about changing the world, you have to be willing to put more into the fight than that.

3 Tips on Communicating with Elected Officials

Sometimes the most basic questions remind me just how intimidating participating in advocacy can be. After a recent meeting with a congressman, one of my volunteers pulled me aside. He had one question: “how do I get the Congressman to visit my business?” The question made me pause in its simplicity. It reminded me thatContinue reading “3 Tips on Communicating with Elected Officials”

Ask Me Anything

But for the average person, it’s all still quite often mysterious. The process of governance is full of confusion – spurred by equal parts confounding bureaucracy and infuriating partisanship – that causes so many to simply throw their hands in the air and ignore it all.

Social Media Advocacy: What Works, What Doesn’t, and How that Could Change

…effective advocacy is almost invariably better because of its timing, not its volume…

The Number 1 Reason You Need to Participate in Politics

I think it’s easy to take for granted just how hard it is for most folks to participate in advocacy and politics. Yesterday, as I sat in a parking lot getting ready for a meeting I decided to shoot this quick video to share an important reminder I received this week. Now, I’ll beg yourContinue reading “The Number 1 Reason You Need to Participate in Politics”