Need a boost for your sense of optimism? Start here

“I want to know how you can be so optimistic.” I don’t know why, but this has become a common thread in my conversations lately. As I’ve been briefing advocates on the current political landscape, and helping friends make sense of the recent election, a thought like this almost always creeps into the conversation. UntilContinue reading “Need a boost for your sense of optimism? Start here”

What we get wrong about optimism

I’m not an optimist because everything is right in my world. I’m an optimist because it’s in our power to change what’s wrong.

If You Want To Be An Optimist, Begin By Giving Thanks

I was catching up with a friend recently and he said I seemed more optimistic, more confident in the future. The comment stuck with me over the past few weeks. And as I’ve sat with it, evaluating what could be different, I’m left with one simple answer: I’m more grateful these days. Over the lastContinue reading “If You Want To Be An Optimist, Begin By Giving Thanks”

Gratitude in a Time of Loss

I really had no intention to post any material today. After all, today is Thanksgiving in the States, and we are all pausing to spend what time we can with those we can given the circumstances 2020 has handed us. For many, this year has taken on a larger than life image of all thatContinue reading “Gratitude in a Time of Loss”