Step One: Build Trust

Easily one of the hardest things to do in advocacy, is choosing to trust someone you do not like. Yet that is the task at hand – as much so in 2024 as in any other time. Recently, my work took me back to Washington, DC for a marathon week of meetings. Meetings to absorbContinue reading “Step One: Build Trust”

Last Week in Washington

But if you want to really stand out as one of those volunteer advocates, and build your own credibility, you have to remember that you are in charge of the agenda.

Making Sense of, And Moving On From, the 2022 Midterm Elections

By a bit of good luck, I’ve been reading Originals by Adam Grant in the last few days. As a book about original thinking, personal development and change-making, it might not immediately strike you as a relevant read at election time. But here I am, finding myself gleaning important reminders at a time when soContinue reading “Making Sense of, And Moving On From, the 2022 Midterm Elections”

With All Due Respect, That’s Chicken Sh*t

There are a lot of great stories about former Speaker of the House, John Boehner. And as a fellow Ohioan, I’m contractually obligated to share great stories about Ohioans. With recent events in the Buckeye state, I felt there was no better time than the present to share. A number of years ago, I wasContinue reading “With All Due Respect, That’s Chicken Sh*t”

Worried about food shortages? Watch these factors…

But we have to dispel the notion that there’s any one lever we can pull to fix the problem. There is immense complexity in every other industry as well. And that complexity is demanding our attention. We can’t sit idly by, we have to give a damn.

A Different Thought from the Shooting in Texas

Originally I had a much different post in mind for this week. But the events in Uvalde, Texas are weighing heavily on me this evening so I’ll beg your forgiveness for a brief diversion. When I started this blog, the mission I had in mind was quite simple: make the intangible work of advocacy justContinue reading “A Different Thought from the Shooting in Texas”

Standing Out in the Crowd

Yesterday, I posted this video across my social channels. That’s right. As much as we disapprove of how Congress is doing their job, there’s another- equally important – disconnect to consider as well. Typical advocates are not government affairs professionals – and they shouldn’t be. In every meeting with a decision maker, the interests ofContinue reading “Standing Out in the Crowd”

Social Media Advocacy: Even the Big Boys Get it Wrong

Your issue deserves more than a sharply worded tweet. If you’re serious about changing the world, you have to be willing to put more into the fight than that.

Beware the “Easy Wins”

The next 6 months of American politics are somewhat…well…predictable. It’s silly season after all. Midterm elections have already shaped the conversations in local communities across the country. State and federal legislators are back in their home districts, engaging in party primaries. With that comes the typical us versus them posturing as both run toward theirContinue reading “Beware the “Easy Wins””