2 Uncomfortable Policy Proposals to Actually Support Veterans

People across the country are pausing today to say ‘thank you’ to veterans of our armed forces. From social media posts to full-blown community parades, the celebrations will take many forms. Especially in the years since 9/11, we’ve gotten better at expressing our gratitude to those who’ve served. I count my blessings every year toContinue reading “2 Uncomfortable Policy Proposals to Actually Support Veterans”

Happy Birthday, Marines

There’s something about the Marine Corps – some ineffable quality that sets it apart from the other branches. And yes, I know I’m biased. But on the eve of our 246th birthday celebration, I’ll beg your pardon for the extra swagger in our step. Right now, Marines around the globe are celebrating their heritage. ThoseContinue reading “Happy Birthday, Marines”

If Not Us, Who?

I know I tend to take a more positive tone in most of my posts, but we are now two weeks into the devastating failure of the Afghanistan evacuation and I’m struggling to find the light. Despite the administration’s efforts to reassure the international community by way of the tens of thousands evacuated so far,Continue reading “If Not Us, Who?”

A Worthy Read for the Moment

A fair amount of time has passed since I added a new recommendation to the Bookshelf. Today, I right that wrong. I was first introduced to the writing style of Thomas E. Ricks in his study of US Military leadership titled The Generals. Less a history and more of an organizational biography, The Generals tracksContinue reading “A Worthy Read for the Moment”

At a loss…

Let me start by acknowledging that my time in uniform never took me to Afghanistan. It simply wasn’t where the Marine Corps sent me. Nevertheless, I lost a few friends to that far away land. I’m writing tonight after a stunning few days when the world witnessed the implosion of twenty years worth of nationalContinue reading “At a loss…”

The Gift of a Transformative Culture

It truly feels like yesterday. I remember the heat and the humidity. I can still hear the crack of rifles and the uniform stomp of boots as our company crossed the parade ground, drilling on display for friends and families. Within the Marine Corps, there’s a common cadence for public events – a predictable runContinue reading “The Gift of a Transformative Culture”

The Pesky Problems of a Crisis Mindset

“If everything is a priority, then nothing is a priority.” Some Marine Officer, sometime I honestly can’t remember just when I heard this USMC truism, but it’s one of those that I encountered repeatedly in uniform. It may not be fully fair, but I’m going to accredit this one to my former Commanding Officer. ForContinue reading “The Pesky Problems of a Crisis Mindset”

Military Efficiency on Display

In the past week, the American Legion took one on the nose – and then punched right back. During a recent Memorial Day observance, a local post in Hudson, OH stumbled. The post had invited a retired Army Officer, and local resident, to serve in the keynote slot for the program. When Lieutenant Colonel KemterContinue reading “Military Efficiency on Display”

Now is the Time to Re-Evaluate Your Plan

Well, here we go! Big news in Ohio last night as Governor DeWine announced a formal return to normalcy on June 2. More than a year into our fight against COVID-19, folks across the Buckeye state will get back to it. But what does that mean for advocacy organizations? Within my own planning for thisContinue reading “Now is the Time to Re-Evaluate Your Plan”

The Weight of Our Words

Words have meaning. That’s a pretty simple statement, right? Obviously words have meaning, or else we wouldn’t use them. But sit with the phrase a little longer, and you may just stumble on to why this statement is drilled into the minds of leaders at every level of our military. As a Marine officer, youContinue reading “The Weight of Our Words”