Be bold. Be brief. Be gone.

“Be bold. Be brief. Be gone.” It’s a phrase I first heard as a young lieutenant. Like many graduates of liberal arts colleges, I’d mastered the art of adding more than enough fluff to any presentation to fill my allotted time. But what my classroom instruction failed to convey was the lack of patience theContinue reading “Be bold. Be brief. Be gone.”

Symbolism and Tribalism

Originally, I had a much different post compiled for today. Barring some incredible circumstance, I was poised to share some thoughts with you today about Political Action Plans and how to consider the timing of your advocacy efforts. Well, then something incredible happened – and you all probably couldn’t escape the news of it inContinue reading “Symbolism and Tribalism”

We will have our cake

One aspect of my life that I’ve yet to share much about on this platform is my time in uniform as a commissioned officer in the United States Marine Corps. From 2007-2011, I served as a lieutenant – leading Marines as part of the 3rd Battalion of the 2nd Marine Regiment (3/2) stationed in NorthContinue reading “We will have our cake”