A Beginner’s Guide to Building Credibility: Stop Using This One Word if You Want to Win Champions to your Cause

Effective advocates hunt for opportunities to build their credibility.

Success in Advocacy: The Power Behind Your Personal Brand

Focus on serving your issue in a genuine way, with warmth and purpose and you will find your audience.

Success in Advocacy: Clear is Greater than Clever

Being too clever can shut the conversation down long before we ever finish talking

What I Learned from Posting Video Content on Instagram and TikTok Every Day for 31 Days

If you’ve ever felt compelled to create something to share with the world, you have an opportunity now to get it in front of more people, faster, and easier than ever.

Standing Out in the Crowd

Yesterday, I posted this video across my social channels. That’s right. As much as we disapprove of how Congress is doing their job, there’s another- equally important – disconnect to consider as well. Typical advocates are not government affairs professionals – and they shouldn’t be. In every meeting with a decision maker, the interests ofContinue reading “Standing Out in the Crowd”

2 minutes, and 37 seconds on Why I’m Optimistic About Politics

Simply being disappointed isn’t enough. If you’re really serious about making things better, there is no substitute for action, and action means showing up.

Identify and Overcome Barriers to Advocacy

Ask yourself, if this issue is so damn important to me, why can’t I get myself to send an email to my representative?

Should You Call Your Congressman?

For almost 10 years I had a front row seat to watch just how much an elected official can do to help their constituents. I met with, and personally helped hundreds of veterans receive millions of dollars in disability benefits they were owed for disability claims previously denied. I walked countless constituents through headaches withContinue reading “Should You Call Your Congressman?”

Ask Me Anything

But for the average person, it’s all still quite often mysterious. The process of governance is full of confusion – spurred by equal parts confounding bureaucracy and infuriating partisanship – that causes so many to simply throw their hands in the air and ignore it all.

Advocacy In The New “New Normal”

Despite the zoom fatigue that set in quickly, I’ll wager we won’t see the end of those types of meetings. Once new ways of doing business are adopted, it’s a long path to reverse those changes.