What I Learned from Posting Video Content on Instagram and TikTok Every Day for 31 Days

If you’ve ever felt compelled to create something to share with the world, you have an opportunity now to get it in front of more people, faster, and easier than ever.

Social Media Advocacy: What Works, What Doesn’t, and How that Could Change

…effective advocacy is almost invariably better because of its timing, not its volume…

Even Your Top Performers Suffer the Sunday Scaries

As my mother-in-law walked in the door and captured my toddler’s attention, I breathed a sigh of relief. My internal monologue didn’t miss a beat. “Thank God. I can check on that call to action from last week and see how we’re doing.” Mind you, I’m obsessive when it comes to time with my kids.Continue reading “Even Your Top Performers Suffer the Sunday Scaries”

Three Steps for Hosting Better Meetings

In the past several weeks, I’ve seen a theme developing on LinkedIn discussion channels. Folks are pointing out the problem with colleagues, especially leaders, taking pride in how busy they are. Here’s a particular piece making the rounds. Maybe you’re caught in this cycle too, rushing from meeting to meeting, compressing every moment of yourContinue reading “Three Steps for Hosting Better Meetings”

There’s Room for Everyone to Succeed

The surest way to achieve your own goals is to help others achieve theirs. When we think of serving each other in this way, we acknowledge an abundance in the world around us – and that there’s more than enough for all of us to find success. I was reminded of this truism while paintingContinue reading “There’s Room for Everyone to Succeed”

Write Your Script, But Bring Your Eraser

Since we’re in the process of talking about storytelling, I thought you’d appreciate this personal piece from Abe Jacob – joining us again to share a little about his career path. – LC Is our first thought always our best thought? Being a small-town boy turned Columbus suburbanite, I have often reflected on the evolutionContinue reading “Write Your Script, But Bring Your Eraser”

Quit Apologizing for Living

I know the Thursday posts on this blog are typically devoted to advocacy. But I was caught in my tracks yesterday by a conversation with my spouse, and frankly it’s stuck in my craw. So this is a bit of a rant. In short, we were chatting about the challenges that working parents face withContinue reading “Quit Apologizing for Living”

Speaking of social media…

In the year and a half since I left a staff position in the electoral politics realm to lobby for an association, I’ve experienced an immense paradigm shift with regards to social media. I think it’s especially fitting to share this personal shift with you all as we’re in the middle of a series onContinue reading “Speaking of social media…”

Do You Wish To Unsubscribe?

Last week, I kicked off a special series focused on social media in advocacy. I also announced that I was going to ask some other contributors to add their voices to the discussion. Today, a good friend and trusted colleague is trying his hand at blogging with a first-ever post focused on the first ofContinue reading “Do You Wish To Unsubscribe?”