the Bookshelf

Too many books, too little time, right? Check here regularly for new book recommendations. Straying away from pieces devoted to singular political issues, I hope this evolving list will serve you as a starting point on thinking about what can be done when devoted people join together.

Public Policy & Advocacy

America’s Constitution: A Biography Akhil Reed Amar – An expansive study of the drafting and amending of the Constitution

Who Are We? Samuel P. Huntington – How American identity drives our policies and philosophies

The Road to Serfdom F.A. Hayek – “An unimpeachable classic work in political philosophy, intellectual and cultural history, and economics”

The Thomas Sowell Reader Thomas Sowell – An introduction to decades of writings on social issues, economics, race & ethnicity and much more

Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War Robert M. Gates – More than an autobiography, this piece shows the challenges of navigating high level policy implementation across party lines

Culture Matters Lawrence E. Harrison & Samuel P. Huntington – How values shape human progress

Leadership Lessons & Personal Development

Man’s Search for Meaning Viktor E. Frankl – A Holocaust survivor brings perspective to our common need to discover purpose

Start with Why: How great leaders inspire Simon Sinek – A deep dive into organizational management

The First 90 Days Michael D. Watkins – Strategies to smooth your professional transitions

Team of Rivals Doris Kearns Goodwin – Lessons from Lincoln on building a team from competitors and high performers

Call Sign Chaos General Jim Mattis – The autobiography of a modern military icon and his journey through leadership at every level

Onward: How Starbucks Fought for its Life Without Losing Its Soul Howard Schultz – Lessons in purposeful leadership

High Conflict: Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out Amanda Ripley – lessons in understanding, managing and growing through conflicts, big and small.

Leadership in Turbulent Times Doris Kearns Goodwin – A comparative study of the lives, careers, and presidencies of 4 US leaders facing unique challenges

For the Space Enthusiast

The Space Barons: Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and the Quest to Colonize the Cosmos Christian Davenport – How and why modern tycoons are pouring their fortunes into the next golden age of spaceflight

Beyond Earth: Our Path to a New Home in the Planets Charles Wohlforth and Amanda R. Hendrix, PhD – A blend of contemporary challenges and future visions of human life off Earth

Artemis Andy Weir – From the same author who brought you “The Martian,” a fictional romp through life on humanity’s first lunar colony

History & Biographies

The American Story: Conversations with Master Historians David M. Rubenstein – Interviews offering an accessible windows into sweeping historical works

Coolidge Amity Shlaes – The definitive study of our 30th President – his life, career and success at restoring trust in our federal government

The Generals: American Military Command from WWII to Today Thomas E. Ricks – A deep dive into the organizational culture changes of the US Military and the senior leaders navigating them

Endurance: A Year in Space, A Lifetime of Discovery Astronaut Scott Kelly – A remarkable memoir inspired by a record-breaking stay aboard the International Space Station

Tip and the Gipper: When Politics Worked Chris Matthews – An insider’s view to the power of personal relationships

James Madison Lynne Cheney – A comprehensive study of the “father of our Constitution

Why Coolidge Matters: Leadership Lessons from America’s Most Underrated President Charles C. Johnson – what the 30th President’s legacy can teach us today.

Greenlights Matthew McConaughey – A poetically driven memoir from a surprising leading man

First Principles Thomas E. Ricks – What America’s founders learned from the Greeks and Romans and how it shaped our country.

Nimitz At War: Command Leadership from Pearl Harbor to Tokyo Bay Craig L. Symonds – a comprehensive analysis of an American Naval hero.

Just for Fun

We all need a break from the real world from time to time. Those moments with a good piece of fiction help us find the frivolity we need to keep our minds engaged in different ways. Below are a few fictional series that I’ve not been able to put down over the years.

The Mitch Rapp Series Vince Flynn & Kyle Mills – Fast paced, counter-terrorism and espionage

The Century Trilogy Ken Follett – Follett traces the stories of several fictional families along the course of the most impactful moments of the 20th century

The Jack Reacher Series Lee Child – Classic whodunits portrayed through the eyes of a drifter and ex-military policeman

The Frontiers Saga Ryk Brown (Self-Published) – A science fiction gem I stumbled upon through audiobooks first – a light and enjoyable good vs. evil military romp in a sci-fi tone

The 007 Series Ian Fleming – If you’ve only ever watched the movies, then you don’t know James Bond

Need another recommendation? Connect with me on Twitter or Instagram (@luke_crumley) and let’s see if I can’t help!

Have your own recommendations for me? I’d appreciate you sharing your best reads. So, comment below, or drop me a line at:

5 thoughts on “the Bookshelf

  1. Have you read the James Collins Sigma Force series? I got the 12th book in a Book Loft mystery box and then have gone back to restart on audio, just about to finish Book #1. It’s James Bond + Da Vinci Code + Indiana Jones all in one series. I think you’d enjoy!


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