Elon Musk is a National (Security) Treasure

Moving at the speed of human decency, Musk’s quick action caught the attention of the world this past weekend. Deservedly so. In a time when so many of us feel absolutely helpless to make a difference, it’s understandably invigorating to cheer on someone who can.

Dear Santa, Check Your Flight Plan

In a couple of days, eight tiny reindeer had better check their six if they’re anywhere near French Guiana in the 7 o’clock hour (EST). If their flight plan has them remotely nearby, they may just get caught on camera. That’s because the entire space industry will be keenly watching the sky as the workContinue reading “Dear Santa, Check Your Flight Plan”

Russia Just Demonstrated Why We Need the Space Force

An action like this holds the potential to wreck the global economy on a larger scale, and lower cost, than nuclear warfare.

NASA, Corn Farmers, and Saving the World

In my day job, I have the incredible pleasure of working with agricultural producers. American farmers and ranchers are personal heroes of mine. You see, my family sold the farm before I came along – but my dad made sure I was never too far removed from those agrarian roots. Growing up, every month we’dContinue reading “NASA, Corn Farmers, and Saving the World”

The Sky is Falling

“So, NASA’s OSF tells us that the 30th Space Wing at Vandenberg Air Force Base believes that a Chinese satellite has fallen out of its orbital… flight plan. The last detection the 30th had placed it in what they call a “degrading orbital path” and it’s now dropped off their radar, suggesting it’s begun aContinue reading “The Sky is Falling”

On Perseverance

This is not a post about surviving the ongoing pandemic. Just about the last thing anyone needs right now, from what I can tell, is another diatribe over how difficult everything continues to be in the wake of COVID-19. Even if I wanted to add my voice to that cacophony, today is not the dayContinue reading “On Perseverance”