One Size Fits One; and How Schoolhouse Rock! Lied To You

A big challenge for me as I train prospective advocates is nailing down just what barriers stand in their way and keep them from taking action on the causes that are most important to them. These barriers are incredibly important for us to understand because there is no substitute for the effectiveness of a realContinue reading “One Size Fits One; and How Schoolhouse Rock! Lied To You”

Beware the “Easy Wins”

The next 6 months of American politics are somewhat…well…predictable. It’s silly season after all. Midterm elections have already shaped the conversations in local communities across the country. State and federal legislators are back in their home districts, engaging in party primaries. With that comes the typical us versus them posturing as both run toward theirContinue reading “Beware the “Easy Wins””

Should You Call Your Congressman?

For almost 10 years I had a front row seat to watch just how much an elected official can do to help their constituents. I met with, and personally helped hundreds of veterans receive millions of dollars in disability benefits they were owed for disability claims previously denied. I walked countless constituents through headaches withContinue reading “Should You Call Your Congressman?”

Advocacy Meetings 109: Practice, Practice, Practice

There’s something we do in the military that I don’t see as often in civilian life – at least not in the advocacy world. It’s a powerful tool to help teams coalesce before an action and improvise during that mission. And when things inevitably go wrong in the field, this one tool helps everyone understandContinue reading “Advocacy Meetings 109: Practice, Practice, Practice”

Keep Showing Up

You have to show up, and fail, and learn, and show up again.

Advocacy Meetings 105: Build a System

As I think about the advocates I’ve trained through the years, there’s a certain trend that sticks out to me. In the period leading up to an advocacy event, volunteers often project an air of confidence that evaporates the moment we walk into the actual meeting. When face to face with their target, the senseContinue reading “Advocacy Meetings 105: Build a System”

5 Things You Should Know About Government Shutdowns

In the past 10 years, our federal government has endured a government shutdown on three separate occasions (disclaimer: I worked for members of Congress through all three). As we rapidly approach September 30th, we face the very real prospect of another shutdown in 2021 – and that’s not me trying to be hyperbolic. Through theContinue reading “5 Things You Should Know About Government Shutdowns”

3 Advocacy Basics You Can Do, Right Now

There seems to be a whole lot of activity happening in the normally quiet, restful period known as August “recess”. I use quiet and restful loosely here, because it’s just a matter of perspective. From the view point of district staff for members of congress it’s a time to dread the frenetic activity that ensuesContinue reading “3 Advocacy Basics You Can Do, Right Now”

Burning Capital

My prediction from a week and a half ago is progressing nicely. If you recall the post from last Tuesday (So, What’s Next?), I laid out four expectations I had for the next several months in American politics. One is being ramped up as I write this piece. Right now, the Biden administration is runningContinue reading “Burning Capital”